Will I be able to use base GPT-4 at any time in 2023?
resolved Jan 1

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@BionicD0LPH1N have you updated your base probability on this question?

bought Ṁ10 of NO

The future's uncertain, that much is true,
But let me be frank, I'll tell it to you.
GPT-4's base may be out of reach,
Unless the tech gods decide to breach.

bought Ṁ55 of NO

Very obvious trend that they’ll never release base models, only the neutered ones

predicted NO

only technical chart in the entire “technical paper” says “we sterilized our model to be wrong but safe”

bought Ṁ305 of YES

What does "base GPT-4" mean? Does the current version qualify?

@IsaacKing ChatGPT is finetuned with RLHF

predicted NO

@IsaacKing Base means pre-training only, without finetuning or RLHF. As far as I’m aware, the only versions available at the moment are trained using RLHF.

bought Ṁ20 of NO

I just heard of a rumor that OpenAI will never release the base GPT-4 model.

If GPT-4 is trained on a large dataset and then RLHFd, does using the RLHFd model count as using base GPT-4?

@NoaNabeshima No. For the purposes of this question, base models are those which aren’t the result of any additional finetuning/RLHF, and don’t get access to search or anything like that.