Will the 00 block be mined in the next couple days?
resolved Apr 29

According to the closing time of this market, so not exactly two days.

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@BenjaminIkuta this should resolve to NO.

predicted NO

something really tickles me about the high octane Bayesian pilled manifold forecasters struggling with the gamblers fallacy

@turb I have a suspicion that these are two mainly separate groups of people. I would be pretty incredulous is someone claimed to have some knowledge of probability theory and earnestly espoused the gamblers fallacy lmao

bought Ṁ1 of NO

Do I understand the resolution criteria correctly: as soon as a *00 bitcoin block appears on the page https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/blocks/btc this market resolves to YES, and If this doesn't happen before the closing time of the market (2023-04-29 20:59:00 UTC) it resolves NO?

predicted YES

Probably, we should also consider this:

  1. That block should be mined after this market was created

  2. Is there is a clear indication that NNN...00 shown on blockchain.com as fake (several other trusted sources does not confirm this) such NNN...00 should not count as YES

Do people think markets with clear probabilities like this are good for the platform? Betting just hinges on paying attention and interpretation of the resolution criteria, neither of which seem like good things to focus Manifold on. Maybe you can argue it moves funds from people who don't understand probability to those who do, but that doesn't seem very important.

@JacyAnthis I agree, markets like this shouldn't be allowed.

@JacyAnthis I say just let people create what markets they want to create. To me one major appeal of Manifold is the limitless possibilities of markets that I can create here. Let traders decide for themselves whether a market has value or not.

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@JacyAnthis Yes. For a few reasons:

  • It's a way for people to practice using prediction markets in a context where they understand the true probability of an event

  • It's a fun way to add a bit of interest to a closely watched event, a bit like betting on sports. Plenty of sports betting (sorry, predicting) is allowed on this site, so why would this be any different?

  • Real financial markets often have the ability to trade on known entities like this for the sake of insurance or hedging. Hypothetically, someone might have a strategy to profit from the WvM market if it does/doesn't end in the next two days, or they might really want it to end sooner so that they can get their liquidity back. So they'd be able to trade on this market for arbitrage or hedging.

@SimonGrayson Great examples of how a seemingly useless market can be useful

@SimonGrayson "Plenty of sports betting (sorry, predicting) is allowed on this site, so why would this be any different?"

Just to be clear on this point because it's the central argument against making such markets, the difference is that people can have meaningful disagreements about the probability of sports outcomes, so sports prediction markets can give us information about the world. With this market on a known probability, the market odds provide no information about the world itself. (Maybe there is some tiny bit of information about other things like the Bitcoin blockchain collapsing within the next couple days, but that seems moot.)

bought Ṁ75 of NO

@JacyAnthis Exactly, you never know what will happen.

predicted NO

@JacyAnthis The main value from prediction markets comes from information aggregation. Sure, this probability can be calculated exactly. But are most people going to know or do this calculation? Of course not. This market is an incentive for anyone to go do that calculation and reveal implicitly it’s results to the world. It’s been valuable to me, at least.

@BionicD0LPH1N While I'm watching and waiting for the 00 block, it's kind of nice to have an estimate of how likely it will come in the next day

predicted YES

Easy money!

ChatGPT says that the probability that this will happen is more than 100%

bought Ṁ0 of YES

There will be ~257 blocks mined before the close of this market, and with a 1/256 probability for each one of being the 00 block, the probability assuming no collusion is 1-(255/256)^257 = ~0.634.

@MaxNiederman should you not count from April 21, instead of today

predicted NO

@Dreamingpast Block hashes are independent events, so previous blocks have no effect on the probability.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@MaxNiederman since the number of blocks mined will change due to the day you start counting i think the probability will also

@Dreamingpast this is not really how probabilities work

predicted NO

@Dreamingpast The probability that no blocks were mined between April 21 and now is (virtually) 100%, so counting those blocks has no effect.

sold Ṁ115 of YES

@MaxNiederman oh yes off closer

@Dreamingpast of course

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