If Bitcoin hits 500000$ the Bitcoin Market resolves to yes if Bitcoin goes under 5000$ the Bitcoin Market resolves to No if Bitcoin hits nothing of that before 2026 this Market resolves to the Bitcoin Price/5000.
If ETH hits 10000$ the Ethereum Market resolves to yes if ETH goes under 100$ the Ethereum Market resolves to No if ETH hits nothing of that before 2026 this Market resolves to the ETH Price/100.
If SOL hits 1000$ the Solana Market resolves to yes if SOL goes under 10$ the Solana Market resolves to No if SOL hits nothing of that before 2026 this Market resolves to the SOL Price/10.
If DOGE hits 2$ the Dogecoin Market resolves to yes if DOGE goes under 0.02$ the Dogecoin Market resolves to No if DOGE hits nothing of that before 2026 this Market resolves to the DOGE Price X 50.
If Tesla hits 1000$ the Tesla Market resolves to yes if Tesla goes under 10$ the Tesla Market resolves to No if Tesla hits nothing of that before 2026 this Market resolves to the Tesla Price/10.
Cardano, crypto's most slept on