Will Manifold add a way to track your outstanding liquidity subsidies and earned fees?
resolved Jun 13
This resolves to YES if it happens.
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predicted YES
Liquidity information is now available in notifications (it wasn't at the time this question was asked) and when you withdraw the liquidity it shows up in the betting history as a purchase of some number of shares.
@BTE oh, when I think track I think of being able to review a changing list or running total, not getting notifications.
predicted YES
@MartinRandall Same. If even one other person had bet on this market I probably would have resolved it more strictly, but sadly it was just me.
predicted YES
@MartinRandall looks like you can also search for markets based on whether or not they have been subsidized
What is it?
predicted YES
@MartinRandall see above
predicted YES
@austin thoughts on this? I have allocated a lot of liquidity subsidies and would love to know how much I have earned in fees.