Will I be offered a full-time position at Open Philanthropy by the end of 2024?
resolved May 23

Context: Over the last few months I have had two separate case studies on AI standards/policy commissioned by Holden Karnofsky, founder and CEO of Open Philanthropy. Today I noticed that last week Open Philanthropy listed several new positions on their AI Governance and Policy Team that are basically the full-time version of the part-time work I have been doing as an independent contractor the last few months. If I am formally offered any of the positions listed at this link by the end of 2024 this question will resolve YES.

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Okay since he was banned, we're going to be transferring all BTE's markets to a yet-to-be-determined mod, and in preparation for that I am N/Aing all of his personal or potentially subjective markets including this one.