Will Google Search include a chatbot at end of May 2024?
May 31

Something a-la ChatGPT, as in it has to be able to conversational and open domain. Google Assistant doesn't count primarily because you can't ask it stuff like "write a Shakespearean sonnet about Bill Gates".

Has to be accessible from google.com homepage. Has to be open to general public, and easily accessible from Google search home page. Not something you have to get whitelisted for, be in a small experiment or meticulously look for in some settings dialog.

Separate app counts, as long as it's promoted on Google.com homepage to the general public. "Random 1% of users get an invite" doesn't count. "All US users get access but it's not in other locales" does count.

If Assistant (as it's integrated into phones, smart speakers etc.) were to just quietly get this capability, but it weren't promoted on Google.com, that wouldn't count. If it were promoted, it would.

Description from @agentydragon

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All these markets could have been just one.

predicts YES

Is this not sufficient?

predicts YES

@galaga I can even continue the conversation, which seems to satisfy any reasonable criteria for "chatbot"

predicts NO

@galaga No beta or experiments are part of the criteria too.

bought αΉ€1 YES at 53%
predicts YES

@BTE oh I see, I didn't know there were people who didn't have access to this. Anyway, I expect that to change soon enough. If everyone has access to the feature I screenshotted, will this resolve yes?

predicts NO

@galaga The SGE expires in December. Probably end of December but that is unclear. But if by then I think it will yes, but it is not my market.

predicts NO

@galaga That was a lie! It is my market, but I am using @agentydragon as the official resolver since he came up with the criteria originally.

predicts NO

Why is this so high