Will Donald Trump lie under oath while testifying in NY State civil trial?
resolved Feb 20

Trump has been called by the state of New York on November 6. This is going to be epic.

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I think this is clearly a yes. You certainly couldn’t say he was truthful and forthright in his testimony. Objections?

@BTE https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24432598/452564_2022_people_of_the_state_of_v_people_of_the_state_of_decision_after_trial_1688.pdf

He says overall he hurt his credibility (“severely compromised”) with his testimony, but it’s kind of murky since it is in the context of him just not answering or saying irrelevant stuff (pg 37) not explicitly lying (more like evading telling the truth by my read).

According to your own comment below this probably should resolve Yes even though it does not say explicitly he lied.


predicted NO

(Commented on wrong Trump case)

I just want to triple check since the closing arguments are on the 11th; if the judge makes any allusion to Trump being less than credible, that counts as Trump "lying under oath"? The judge does not have to use the word "lie" or "decieve" or "untruth", etc.?

@Panfilo Correct. He probably will use a euphemism rather than the word "lie". Hopefully he does so early in his order so we don't have to read the whole thing.

predicted NO

@BTE Isn't lying under oath a much more serious thing than the judge saying something like "Parts of Trump's testimony are doubtful" or something of that sort? Lying under oath is a criminal offense. If the judge seriously thought Trump lied under oath he would be charging him with that.

predicted YES
bought Ṁ10 YES at 60%
bought Ṁ100 of YES

Hard to believe this judge isn't going to say something about Trump lying on the stand.

predicted NO

@WrongoPhD I don't think he said much on the stand though, did he?

predicted YES

@FrederickNorris I think he mostly just tried to shift blame to his accountants.

predicted YES

Well yes, of course he will, but the question is perhaps whether he is found by the court to have lied in some significant outcome-affecting way.

Also, a child-like definition of lying is generally inadequate for adult deceptions (even though Trump regularly doesn't clear that low hurdle).

predicted NO

@JonWharf Yes we are gonna wait for the judges final ruling. He will undoubtedly weigh in.

@BTE did this happen?

predicted NO

@EvanDaniel I can reopen because as @KevinBlaw said below we really need to wait for the judge who will probably address it in his final ruling from what I understand from reading various legal blogs and watching YouTube videos in an attempt to find the answer.

predicted NO

@EvanDaniel Plus he is likely to testify again.

This will have to wait for the judges decision on credibility. This market is off.

will commit and convicted of perjury matter?

IE. If he blatantly lies but they don't charge him, will it still count?

@Haws The judge can admonish him for being not credible like he did earlier this week when he lied about who he was referring to in his comments while on the stand. That would count. He already gave a deposition so he better be prepared or he is in big trouble.

@BTE So this resolves to YES if he lies and you consider it perjury, even if he is never convicted or charged for it?

@RemiRampin Not me, the judge.

@BTE Thanks for the title update, much clearer!

@BTE Is a finding by the judge that his testimony is not credible the criterion? Because a judge can find testimony not credible without saying someone was lying.

bought Ṁ50 of NO

@DanPowell Yes it will need to be stated by the judge. Notably he did state this the first time Trump was on the stand. I think this market should stay open until the judge issues his final ruling because he has already alluded it will include all the hits.

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