Will the sp 500 reach all time high in 2023?
resolved Dec 29

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bought Ṁ1,400 of NO


bought Ṁ30 of YES

$4,746 close today, only 1.05% from ATH

predicted YES

I bet in this market some days ago never imagining that a dust-up would happen over the resolution criteria. The only ambiguity I can sonceive of is whether it will count if the intraday hits the all-time high but the closing price does not. If the creator didn't mean this then the title and description are plain wrong.

predicted NO

Not Today:

predicted NO

⚠Creator has clashing clarifications and has not updated the description in either instance.

📢 Attempts to have conversation with creator is limited to whatever their comments which can take days or a week or two. They have been avoidant to any messages.

December 8th:

December 19th:

predicted NO

Oh wow that's crazy, I was definitely trading on the earlier clarification making this less likely.

predicted NO


Mana Spent On YES between 2 different Clarifications: 1,773 (32.14%)
Mana Spent On NO between 2 different Clarifications: 3,743 (67.86%)

predicted NO

@traders Here are 2 markets in the mean time, that ARE Intraday

predicted YES

Just saw the creator’s comment that this is base on closing day Dec. 29. You’ve got to be kidding. Does that mean it has to beat all earlier highs and rise on the last trading day as well? Could be up 50% on the year and then down 1% last trading day, and not end on the “all time high”. This needs serious rethinking.

predicted NO

@GJM It has been 11 days since they clarified. I apologize it is in the comments and not the description.

predicted YES

@GJM no, as long as it beats the previous high in Jan 2022

predicted NO

@BH3b6bc So just to be totally clear, the market resolves YES if the closing price on Dec 29 is above 4796.56 (the closing high from Jan 2022), and NO if it's below that number?

predicted YES

@StevenK from now till the last trading day of 2023

sold Ṁ73 of NO

@BH3b6bc So just to be totally clear, the market resolves YES if the closing price is above 4796.56 (the closing high from Jan 2022) on any trading day in 2023 (up to and including Dec 29), and resolves NO otherwise?

predicted NO

@StevenK (That fits much better with the market title, but people understood you as saying the other thing from here on.)

predicted YES

@StevenK I still have no clue what this fucking guy means I think he is trolling please someone just ban him from making a new question. He cannot use words to talk. there is no benefit to letting him make a new question if he's like this

bought Ṁ30 of YES

man this site is sleeping lol we're like 1% off ATH and 27% chance??

predicted NO


⚠Creator clarified in comments (while not ideal) that it will be closing price on last trading day.

bought Ṁ10 NO from 31% to 30%
predicted YES

@SirCryptomind How? How can you make a title that bad? Ban @BH3b6bc from making a question ever again

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind lol, he'll have tons of 1-star reviews then

predicted NO

@MP tbf we had clarification December 8th 330pm ET. It is up to the creator to update the description.

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind Even if he updates the description I would have wasted my time clicking on an awful question, there are so many other where will spx be at EOY questions...

predicted NO

Getting close, but we have Fed this week for the last time this year. Need a 3.02%+ increase in the market to top ATH of 4796.56.

@SirCryptomind can you believe it? I want to believe it will surge...