An investigation concludes CIA analysts were paid money to downplay the lab leak theory

Resolves yes if a government (congressional, judicial, or otherwise) investigation or reporting by a widely respected journalistic source (e.g. NYT, WSJ ^1) reaches a conclusion on at least balance of probabilities in favour by end of 2024. Resolves no if there is no investigation

  1. Any one of the 8 US or UK newspaper described as a newspaper of record on wiki when this question was created

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To be clear, by "paid money to do X" do you mean other than by being paid their regular salary and being assigned X as part of their job duties?

From Fauci's interview with the committee regarding a claim by a whistleblower about the CIA that would be verifiable by witnesses and problematic for Fauci to lie about and impossible to forget. Asked about it a few times over two days of interviews.

Any one of the 8 US or UK newspaper described as a newspaper of record on wiki when this question was created

For future reference, assuming this is the Wikipedia article for "Newspaper of record" (revision at the time of question creation), the newspapers are: (US) Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, (UK) Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, The Guardian, and The Times.

so I didn't know this when I created the question but the tweet itself comes from a senate subcommittee! It doesn't resolve this market, because it merely repeats testimony, calling its source "highly credible", but stops short of endorsing the testimony. But if the committee finds in favor of this source when they conclude their investigation, this market will resolve positive.