Is Albe from "a dath ilani EMT in queen abrogail's court" really Queen Abrogail in disguise?
resolved Feb 26
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bought Ṁ100 of YES
Yeah, basically sure at this point, because of the headband and also because it "sounds" more like Abrogail to me now.
sold Ṁ1 of NO
seems pretty obvious from the artifact headband description to me
bought Ṁ50 of YES
Either this is Abrogail or Eliezer is trolling us in a way that feels out of character for him
bought Ṁ1 of YES
It certainly seems more likely that this is the queen, but it still feels "off" to me for some reason, but narratively (seems like a waste of an interesting new character) and diegetically (don't see how the queen can react this fast).
bought Ṁ500 of YES
Updating on: "She is going to make a deliberate effort not to react badly to this setup just because it sounds like their version of the Church of Asmodeus succeeded in sidelining their version of Queen and Crown." In theory, Albe could still be someone else who's aligned with Queen and Crown and have personal reasons to dislike the Church, but most likely she's just Abrogail.
bought Ṁ10 of YES
The market gets resolved as soon as I personally learn the answer, I guess?
bought Ṁ30 of NO
How does timing work here? If we find out YES, the market gets resolved immediately, right?
bought Ṁ150 of NO
I still don't buy it. Reasons: 1) Abrogail really likes to "reveal herself", and can barely contain her disguise for extended periods. 3) There's no reason for her to disguise herself with horns. She could just look like herself and then SAY that she's a diplomat. 2) If the authors DON'T conflate the two characters, they can also use Albe in the Keltham story. 4) Albe fits better as a random succubus that was schlubbing around the diplomatic corps who they brought in to help.
bought Ṁ5 of YES
Updating on [rot13, quote from thread] "Pbzcnerq gb zbfg crbcyr bs Puryvnk, V nz eryngviryl zhpu zber yvxryl gb syveg ba zl wbo, naq nyfb V unir n ybg zber sha ba zl wbo naq jvgu zl yvsr va trareny guna zbfg crbcyr va Puryvnk."
bought Ṁ1 of NO
I had [already] bought some NO on the basis of... it doesn't feel like she's thinking like Abrogail?
bought Ṁ450 of NO
There hasn’t been enough TIME to escalate to Abrogail. And they are trying to make a new succubus character. It would be bad narrative structure to do this IMO!