If exchanging Mana to USD between users is no longer banned, resolves Yes.
If Mana can be exchanged to USD through Manifold, resolves Yes.
If Mana can be exchanged for gift card/ valuable goods that can be easily exchanged for USD, resolves Yes.
If a currency other than Mana is introduced on Manifold that can be exchange for real money, resolves Yes
[Update: I consider prize points to fit into the category of "valuable goods" that can be easily exchanged for USD, so this market will resolve Yes as soon as prize points are redeemable for USD]
@AmmoLlama I've been trading on the assumption that if another currency is introduced that is said to be exchangeable for real money in the future, that is not sufficient for a Yes resolution. Options only resolve Yes if real money redemption are possible by that point in time. Please confirm and/or clarify in the market description.