I was unable to use twitter on chrome, help me fix the problem
Ṁ500 / 500
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I was unable to use twitter on chrome. on Edge i can use twitter just fine. whether I login or not, I'm seeing a screen like this

500 bounty for the person who showed me a method that is able to fix the issue

Edit: I know I can use twitter on edge. but the request is about allowing me to use twitter on Chrome
Edit: login and log out doesn't fix the issue, since the error screen shows up even when I'm trying to login to twitter on chrome

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Use Edge. M500 please. 🫱

  • clear all cache/local storage/cookies for the domain (can be done via the developer tools)

  • Another fix is to stop using Twitter and move to a competitor :-)

some suggestions:

  • log in (or log out and then back in)

  • use Firefox or Safari? (instead of Chrome)

  • use nitter.mint.lgbt (if you just want to see tweets only)