Will Hasan react to Destiny's Jubilee episode on stream?
resolved Sep 5

Will HasanAbi (notorious Jubilee reactooor) react to the Jubilee episode featuring Destiny or will that episode be mysteriously skipped?

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bought Ṁ4,300 of YES

Pretty surprised he actually reacted to the video. Glad we didn't miss out on Destiny getting called a dingus, having his sitting posture made fun of and Hasan bringing up the lit tweet 💀

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

He's watching it right now

predicted NO


bought Ṁ100 of NO

@Alfie If Hasan only reacts to a few clips, or just the first few minutes, this market will resolve "no", right? Hasan has to make an effort to watch a significant part of the episode.

@Agh Yeah, I should have specified but that sounds about right to me.

bought Ṁ200 of NO

there's a lot more order left, mr t

bought Ṁ500 of YES

@jacksonpolack Yee of little faith

predicted NO

What's going on with so many people going all-in on "yes"?

Usually Hasan avoids destiny content like the plague. And the twitch TOS are kinda arbitrary and vague on watching the content of banned streamers, so that's another good excuse for him to not react to it.

bought Ṁ0 of NO

don't listen to him, unload those mana-cannons on my limits please

predicted NO

@Agh i linked this question in the subreddit, several new people have joined with great enthusiasm towards hasan's reactooooring choices