Will I cold-email 30 people in the next 30 days?
Jul 20

My previous motivational markets have been super effective, so lets give this a try.

Cold-emailing people is something that I absolutely should be doing and currently am not doing basically because it's uncomfortable.

Specifically I'm really interested in how the government can do software better (Recoding America radicalized me) so that'll be the focus. Any of the following would be super helpful:

  • someone you think I should email

  • you are someone I should email (probably doesn't count for this market but hit me up haha)

  • any tips for how to cold email effectively

I'll make a spreadsheet to track. Deadline is July 19.

Standard motivation market rules apply: I can only buy YES, and no selling.

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bought Ṁ20 YES

I am more concerned as to whether you have 30 different people on your mind to cold-mail than if you can cold-mail them. Good luck!

@AlexShadley Is the spreadsheet up?