Is this a catfish
resolved Feb 12

is it

Close date updated to 2023-02-12 11:59 pm

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bought Ṁ30 of YES

destiny is conviced. aba is convinced. they wont show us any evidence directly, so in my mind there wouldnt be any other way to resolve than to trust destiny.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@Fr3sh4NT1M8 @AlduineDaAlian In general, people who bet can have all kinds of assumptions (e.g. “I’m betting because there’s a 3% chance something changes his mind tomorrow’), so it’s good to err on the side of letting it play out, and to try to make it clear in the rules what you’re gonna do. dggL

predicted YES

@yaboi69 yeah. I worded it a bit biased. I meant to promote making the resolution criteria more explicit and not to resolve as soon as possible.

bought Ṁ215 of NO


bought Ṁ10 of NO

@AlduineDaAlian I assume you will resolve this YES if Destiny leans toward that explanation by the deadline, right? NO if he leans that it wasn’t, and N/A if he stops talking about it.

Let’s work out some rules here while we can

@yaboi69 I think it should be unresolved if no strong evidence

bought Ṁ40 of YES

@AlduineDaAlian If it remains open that’s OK, but in that case extend the deadline (edit the date) – because if it closes and remains unresolved, all the people’s bets will get frozen.