Will the Bridge Burn: Destiny & Kelly Jean in 2024
Dec 31

Bridge burn is pretty subjective, but the market will ultimately determine a definition. If Destiny says the bridge is burned (seriously) and can provide a reason, then that is enough to resolve this market.

If Destiny blocks them, gets blocked, or if one party refuses to do content with the other, this will count.

Bridge repairs will not save this market. Resolution within 2 weeks of a clear bridge burn (e.g. Brittany Simon being blocked, or MrGirl's stream ban, etc.)

Some less-clear bridge burns, e.g. Fuentes, Vaush, Hasan, Fanatic, are determined by one party's desire to do content where the other party will not. These may take several weeks/months to resolve where unclear.

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bought Ṁ250 YES

Lav comparison launched

bought Ṁ100 YES

he called her the c word things are heating up

I am really glad the bridge burn format is continuing, I love these markets & im honoured my description/criteria were worthy of being reused!

Imo the bridge burns are a better (resolving) version of stocks. I’d rather people talked about the bridge burn stocks!

bought Ṁ750 NO

@Tumbles I won big on last year's version, and I'll win big on this one by the end of the year. Why? Because KELLY JEAN BRIDGE IS ROCK SOLID ANCIENT ATLANTEAN ARCHITECTURE. IT WILL WEATHER ANY STORM. CARRY ANY BURDEN.

Kelly haters cope and seethe

bought Ṁ600 NO