Will Destiny reach 760k subscribers in January 2024?
resolved Jan 28

Resolves to what his socialblade page says unless they got it obviously wrong.

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predicted YES
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Never doubt Destiny, always doubt Vaush

bought Ṁ2,000 of YES

45 more should happen in ~2 hours

predicted YES

@ChameLeon 45 more what? Subscribers? Socialblade only measures his count in multiples of 1000, do you have a more fine grained place you can see?

predicted YES

@Tumbles ye, socialcounts, 37 to go

subscribers goal in February

bought Ṁ0 of YES

Destiny needs to finish the month with an average monthly subscriber growth of 13k. His current average monthly subscriber growth is 11k.


predicted YES

@Agh I think everyone is assuming you mean 2024, but pinging you just to do due diligence

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@mattyb This is it. This market shall be where our battle is fought. Buy my limit order, and let us face our Destiny

@Tumbles i have no clue who destiny is…

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@mattyb At the end of the month, I'm pretty sure he has to have a 12k monthly average subscriber growth for this to resolve YES. His current monthly average is 11k. This is from the link in the description

I mean one way of looking at it is that this is a solidly traded market at almost 68%. You are at 50% in our diamond league market. So if we bet against each other in this market, your odds of winning the diamond market go up by 18%!

@Tumbles thanks but i’ll pass haha. i like my strategy of solid, small profits on things i’m sure of :)

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