Will Destiny start another dnd campaign in 2023
resolved Mar 14

From what I know Destiny completed his dnd campaign a couple weeks(maybe months) ago and hasn't started another.

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?? How did this count

@PunishedFurry Yeah, it’s was a start of dnd campaign no matter how short. I never specify that he had to complete it, just start one. Why do you think it does not count ?

predicted NO

@AMONRA Because of the word "campaign" which entails a whole storyline and a series name. There was no session 0 or anything to introduce his character, the timeline or area, or any sort of background.

And in the context of Destiny, the word "start" means Destiny himself would be setting up the campaign. This incident is neither a campaign or him starting one, but rather a spur of the moment session that was sprung on him.

If your market was worded as "Will Destiny play a DND game in 2023?", I would have no issue with the resolution. However, because of the word "campaign" and "start", I really don't think this counts.

@PunishedFurry That is fair, I also looked it up and you do seem to be correct. My use of word campaign & start would imply those things. Is it possible I could reimburse you. I apologize I’m don’t know much about DnD other than watching destiny and my brother play a couple time.

predicted NO

@AMONRA No worries, I'll message a mod to undo the resolution :). There was another market resolution I was a part of that had to be undone by a mod.

@AMONRA Ok I've unresolved the market. I'd suggest either N/A'ing it for vague resolution criteria, or if the current traders think it's agreeable just keep this one running but edit the description with more precise criteria.

@DavidChee (it's currently closed so ull also have to reopen it by clicking the time in the top left if that is what you want to do).