Will I have >= 300 unique traders by the end of February?
resolved Feb 5

Resolves as YES if I have equal to or more than 300 unique traders. (as of Jan 26 I'm at 240).

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predicted NO


predicted NO

Wait wasn’t it 33? Do I not have access to the unique trader number?

predicted YES

@BlueTime I believe this market was referring to the total unique traders on all your markets which you can check on your profile

predicted YES

this is why it's important to read the market criteria

predicted NO

@ForrestTaylor Obviously I read the market criteria I just didn’t connect it with what it was really referring to. I thought the unique trader number was the same one displayed in the top right 3 dots part.

bought Ṁ2,969 of YES

gimme my monies

predicted YES

@DesTiny JETZT

bought Ṁ10 of NO

i bought 10 of no and got 1558 shares i dont care if i lose 10 mana

bought Ṁ1,080 of YES
predicted NO

@DesTiny haha okay

bought Ṁ1,010 of YES

@8 wooooo

bought Ṁ3,000 of YES
bought Ṁ1,204 of YES

@DesTiny This should be at like 99%, or am I missing something?

bought Ṁ100 of YES
bought Ṁ510 of YES
predicted YES

@DesTiny Michael's bot lab and acceleration

predicted YES

@ForrestTaylor fela is acc and botlab? lol

@DesTiny ya never know

predicted YES

@DesTiny The number was 264 or something like that earlier in the day, it hadn't been updated I guess.

predicted NO

@NamesAreHard I misunderstood the criteria, I thought 300 on this question 😭

bought Ṁ10 of YES

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