[100M subsidy] Will the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike be resolved before 2023 ends?
resolved Dec 6

This market will resolve to YES if major news publications report that a deal has been reached. The major news companies need to report this news before 2024-01-01 00:00 pacific coast time (PST). For example, if a deal is reached at 11pm on 2023-12-31 but a major news publication does not report on it until the following day then this question will resolve to false.

Note that this market is not about the writers strike organized by the WGA. This is specifically about the SAG -AFTRA strike. The Wikipedia page below basically.


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predicted YES

Looks like the members have ratified the contract so the strike is officially over now.



bought Ṁ8,888 of YES

@zzlk can be resolved

predicted YES

I honestly don't know why I wrote the resolution criteria in such a circuitous and weird way just to try to be specific. But nonetheless,

This market will resolve to YES if major news publications report that a deal has been reached.

I don't know what deadline is so I will ignore them. According to nyt and Fox Business, an agreement has been reached and the strike will end in a few hours. I think that satisfies the resolution criteria quoted above so that leaves me with no choice but to resolve this to yes.

Well done @alangrow, better luck next time @Orimos



predicted YES

@zzlk Thinking about this more. I think we need to wait until the agreement is reviewed by SAG and accepted by them, currently it is only in the tentative state. I believe that should happen quite soon, though.

To be extra nit-picky: currently the strike is only 'suspended' and not 'resolved', and the deal is only tentative, not completely 'reached', so I should wait just a little bit longer before resolving.

bought Ṁ15 of NO

@zzlk I agree it's best to either end it cleanly when there's a Tentative Agreement accepted, or when ratification passes. Everything in between is kind of murky.

predicted NO

looks the the strike is even expanding.
