Will I find an internship for 2025? (1.6K subsidy and growing)

Hey everyone! As the pivot is approaching I have decided to heavily invest in a question about myself, as I don't think I will be able to withdraw money from Manifold later. So, I decided to create this question with a massive subsidy, relative to my budget - 1000. Not only will I subsidize this market - all unique trader bonuses earned before the pivot, + all free money after it will be spent on this market in the form of subsidy or buying YES shares. Additionally, I will share monthly updates on my progress.

So, the question is, will I find an internship? Most of the info can be found on my CV on LinkedIn, but I will also provide some insights.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yehor-kozyr

I have a few issues.

  • I am currently finishing my Bachelor's in CS and I got into the MSc at ETH Zurich. If all the visa and housing problems go smoothly, I will be starting the program this year.

  • I am a non-EU national, so finding an internship in Switzerland will be impossible due to regulations and I would need to find one abroad, in a country that doesn't require a university to submit an approval of work for a work permit application. Potential options as far as I know are the UK, Netherlands, Canada, Spain, and Germany.

  • I will be aiming for a spring internship due to the way the study semester is made in ETH - lectures until the end of May, and actual exams - in August.

What companies am I targeting?

Any of the companies that are willing to take me xD

To be honest, I would love to work in trading as a software engineer, as I find myself really comfortable with all the math problems, DSA, and C++, so that sounds like a good option to me. I am working on improving my CV in that area - a few small projects I will finish during the summer + part of the graduation project can be published as a stand-alone data structure implementation.

What is the resolution criteria?

Easy as that - if I get myself a temporary software engineer job with a duration of a couple of months outside of my university in 2025, the market resolves as YES.

Otherwise - resolves NO

How can you help?

  • If you have any referrals, especially trading - please shoot an email to the address found here kozyr.xyz/about

  • Feel free to ask any questions in the comments, the description will be updated if I find the information important enough to be mentioned.

  • Boost or subsidize the question to get more people to know about this -> more chance to get a referral.

    Heavily inspired by @SanghyeonSeo

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