I'll listen to any album that scores over 33% in its entirety at least once
If I don't listen to it, I'll resolve N/A, if I listen to it and it gets less than 10 points I'll resolve no, If it gets at least 10 points I'll resolve that album to yes. Currently 65 albums have 10 points or more, and around a third to a half are from albums i only discovered in the past year
suggested albums must not already feature on the list anywhere, if added anyway I'll resolve to N/A immediately
Here's my current taste in music: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/109NDQ-nRGa18BOBKqxvmF0JuPGfGeAoVPiK5Rf6oJ9I/edit?usp=sharing
My rating system is very simple, every song I like enough to add to a playlist gets a score from 2-7 and then albums are scored based on the sum of the points it's songs got without regard to the number of songs on the album (gives albums like "Songs in the Key of Life" a big advantage)
There's plenty of stats scattered around the sheets that should hopefully give y'all a good enough sense of my taste in music
Pro-tip: The songs are listed in chronological order of when I began listening to them, so if you scroll to the bottom you can get a better idea of what I've been listening to lately