Will MrBeast remain the 3rd most-subscribed YouTube channel for the rest of 2023?
resolved Jun 16

Will resolve as NO if at any point from the creation of this market to the end of 2023 MrBeast is not the 3rd most subscribed to channel. Also resolves as NO if the channel is deleted or banned.

Resolves based on Socialblade Top 50.

Follow-up to /xyz/will-mrbeast-remain-the-4th-mostsub

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@xyz Resolves NO.

MrBeast has indeed passed Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes.

sold Ṁ1,540 of NO

Live sub count, will resolve NO shortly (as soon as MrBeast passes Cocomelon and Socialblade updates their counter)

Here's MrBeast vs Cocomelon (2nd most subscribed channel currently)

predicted NO

I’m confused. This says it resolves based on Socialblade, but he’s currently 4th on Socialblade. What am I missing?

predicted NO

@JimHays youtube movies doesn't count as a channel

predicted YES

Any NOers, fill my position if you’re so sure

predicted YES

@Gen Can we get like 1 week of treaty incase it swaps before he releases another video??

predicted NO

@Gen Why are you so sure with yes? He's net gaining ~170k subs daily on cocomelon and he's 3m away.

bought Ṁ300 of NO

@light I'm surprised the other one resolved already seeing how socialblade still ranks him as 5th (4th if you ignore YouTube music) He is tied with SET India, has not passed SET India yet, so I don't see why it should immediately resolve, but it would've happened anyway lol.

I think he will beat Cocomelon though.

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr If this true I been ROBBED

predicted NO

You were holding NO in the other market, the resolution was in your favor. But it doesn't matter anyway, it would have resolved within a couple days

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr He's 4th on socialblade for me. 3rd if you ignore music. On those sites that show live counter like 80k above set.

predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr I don’t have a clue but I I’m mad if I lose (react appropriately as though I’m a rational bettor)

predicted NO

@light The live counter sites are only estimates, they aren’t real afaik

bought Ṁ25 of YES

Cool markets, thank you!