Will Joe Biden Fall During the Presidential Debate?
resolved Jun 28

President Biden is notorious for falling, sleeping, or getting lost...

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We're going to have a giant debate over what counts as a "fall" aren't we.

Could we perhaps get a few defitions and/or examples of things that do and don't count?

What if he stumbles a bit but catches himself? etc. etc.

"Falling is the action of a person losing stability and ending up in a lower position, often on the ground". Based on this definition, it only counts if Biden completely falls on the ground like he did with his bike, stumbling doesn't count, but in the case he does fall and ends up on the ground in a "doggy" position, it does. Hope this clarifies it.

are three points of contact with the ground enough or do you require four?

Let's say he somehow stumbles and ends up with one hand on a desk, one hand on the ground, and his knees on the floor, that would count as falling based on the definition. However, let's say he goes down to tie up his shoe, loses some balance, and puts one hand on the floor but the majority of his mass is still "standing", this wouldn't count since he didn't completely fall due to him willingly wanting to go "down", so this would be considered the same as if he was walking, lost balance, and had to place a hand on a wall to prevent himself from falling. In the case, he willingly went down to tie up his shoe but fell on a side like a bowling pin, ending up completely on the ground, it would.

I mean I would say if hand touches the ground during a stumble

bought Ṁ100 YES

I predict Biden's handlers will overdo the drug cocktail this time

whats in the cocktail, any ideas?

lotta caffeine

feels like an "angry clickbait" market, tbh

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