Will $META go up after earnings? (Feb 2024)
resolved Feb 2

Meta announces earnings after market close on February 1st.

The baseline will be the stock price at stock market close on February 1st, before earnings announcement. I will update the manifold market with this price when known.

Edit: Baseline is $394.78.

This market resolves yes if the stock price at market close on February 2nd is higher than the baseline. N/A if prices are equal. No otherwise.

This market closes at the end of day February 1st, before stock trading on Feb 2nd starts.

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$474.99 at close. Resolved yes.

predicted YES

This can resolve to YES

opened a Ṁ10,000 YES at 97% order

Another limit order, one percentage point lower since the last one went so quickly!

I had never seen a 99.x% market on Manifold before for something that didn’t occur yet.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@voodoo Yeah, this is awful high

predicted NO

@Fedor It's reasonable IMHO. The after-hours trading price is up 12%. What events could happen in the next 24h that could cause that to fully reverse? Something somewhat less than 1% likely I'd think.

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@voodoo Ṁ10k YES limit order at 98% if you're thinking about betting NO.

bought Ṁ250 NO from 99.0% to 98.0%
bought Ṁ250 of NO

@chrisjbillington I gotta short META it's my duty

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington I didn't think to check the after hours trading, only saw the 1% stock price increase.

predicted YES

Just craziness 😂

@SirCryptomind Earning beat, outlook beat, and everyone gets a dividend. Madness.

predicted YES

@Lion this is a market I was talking about lol

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind They are KILLING BEARS.

I was about to buy META calls I hate myself for not doing it now :'( I am disappointed by AAPL and my day is ruined

predicted YES

predicted NO

Baseline at Feb1 market close is 394.78.

predicted NO

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