Will this market close with exactly 1,000 total mana bet on Yes?
resolved Mar 3

At market close I’ll sum up all the bets currently placed on Yes. If that number is exactly 1,000, then this will resolve Yes.

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Looks like we did it!

sold Ṁ0 YES

This will be interesting... @Botlab made a trade about 45 minutes ago that isn't showing up on the UI for this market yet. Guess we'll see if it ultimately shows up in the positions after close?

Oh nvm, now it's showing up

@Creature do you mean total payouts or total bets in the trade log?

@IsaacCarruthers Total payouts

Do the bots frequently mess with precision-gaming attempts on questions like this?

@JamesBakerc884 yeah, they bet on this stuff so it might be hard to align the UI to 1000 on the money

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