Will dolphin-assisted births increase the poverty gap by 2030?
Ṁ706resolved Feb 29
dolphin-assisted births have been proven to be very effective. even getting some babies into harvard! but they are difficult to afford, and many marginalized communities don't have access :(
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@SirSalty all you do is cave to the cry babies in the comments, rich people are going to harvard because of this, and harvard graduates make more money, so the poverty gap has increased.
@sxgada thanks for extending the close time so I could pull out of this market and block you
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@Pykess I can't believe this has been happening for over a decade, and I'm just hearing about it: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dolphin-assisted-birth-nice-or-nuts/
@houstonEuler And the market creator says it's "proven to be very effective" and then cites a tiktok lmao