How many days early or late will Kora and Tyler's son be born?
resolved Oct 7

The baby is due October 3!

We resolve to 0 if he's born exactly on the due date. Other examples:

  • October 7 = 4 (4 days late)

  • October 2 = -1 (1 day early)

We'll go by the date on the official birth certificate.

If the baby is born outside the provided range, the question resolves to the nearest number.

Clarification: The question says

We resolve to 0 if he's born exactly on the due date.

I've noticed that when resolving, I'll actually be forced to choose a range like 0-1 or 1-2. Therefore I will define 0-1 as October 3, I think that's most intuitive. You could think of it as the due date being October 3 midnight, and the range meaning 0.0 days (inclusive) to 1.0 days (exclusive).

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Our son was born today at 9:15 am PT! October 7 is 4 days after the October 3 due date, so I've resolved as 4 to 5.


@tarehart Congratulations!

@tarehart Congratulations!

Today is 2 to 3. We have a plan to induce labor on Monday.

Today is -2 to -1! Still no baby, but it's feeling close and the doc has suggested we schedule an induction if it doesn't happen soonish.

The probability of anything below -2 is zero, free mana...

I'll no longer be betting on this market since we might choose to influence the outcome.

Happy -5 to -4 day!

Everything still proceeding well. By happenstance we saw a different doctor than usual and she was surprised we hadn't scheduled a week 39 induction, i.e. now. Food for thought 🤔

Today is -13 to -12, a good chunk of the range is gone!

Non-stress tests are looking good. There was some prodromal labor (false labor) earlier this week.

On 9/6 ultrasound, estimated fetal weight was 2410 grams.

Clarification: The question says

We resolve to 0 if he's born exactly on the due date.

I've noticed that when resolving, I'll actually be forced to choose a range like 0-1 or 1-2. Therefore I will define 0-1 as October 3, I think that's most intuitive. You could think of it as the due date being October 3 midnight, and the range meaning 0.0 days (inclusive) to 1.0 days (exclusive).

On August 16 the baby's heart rate was 145, doctor said that was perfect.

We'll be entering the date range of the market soon, day -31 is September 2.

On July 26, estimated fetal weight was 1332 grams.

On July 12 the estimated fetal weight (via ultrasound) was 1028 grams.

No anomalies have been detected via ultrasound or blood tests. No gestational diabetes.

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