If Evan thinks old-OKC is implemented, will admins think it was a good idea in retrospect?
resolved Apr 1

Question closes three months after it is implemented

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ftr, I thought it was a bad idea

so, @EvanDaniel do you think it was implemented and @JamesGrugett do admins think it was a good idea?

@sylv It was a good idea.

predicted YES

@sylv I think as of the addition of displayed compatibility metrics, the MVP version exists!

@EvanDaniel I guess this will resolve in a month for now? fwiw I think it's been a terrible change for the worse compared to the original release

Thanks @sylv & @EvanDaniel.

The basics of this were implemented Nov 29th! Still need to compute and surface compatibility scores!

bought Ṁ0 of YES

Happy to put up a large limit order / fill a large no order if someone wants it, but I'm not going to maintain the available balance if there are no takers.

I'm assuming this is for the MVP version of old-OKC, as per this thread. Old OKC had a bunch of other features that are neat and would work well, but keeping scope down for what is in software developer hours fundamentally a very small bounty required some pretty severe cuts.