Would you rather take the Red pill or Blue pill from the Matrix?
resolved Apr 8
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I would rather take the red pill from the Matrix, but if someone gives you a whole set of pills that give you different superpowers, you should definitely take the blue one.

@PlasmaBallin i was thinking of doing this one too lol

@PlasmaBallin omg haha

If I'm me, in my life right now, but I'm in the Matrix, that means my kids are too, and I'm not abandoning them. Blue pill.

In the film, Neo didn't really know what the real world was like before choosing the pill. Are we assuming that is the case in this scenario, or are we allowed to have watched the film?

@Fion we assume the risk, and that it is possible it COULD be like the matrix. the main decision is - do we want to know the truth about the world or not if we are comfortable enough

@strutheo hmm, tricky. The truth is important, but not living in a dystopian hellscape is even more important.

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