Will this market get me an offer to interview that I end up doing for a new job by the end of Manifest?
Jun 11

Recently let go, now looking for a new role! Anyone hiring or have friends that are hiring? I want to work on cool things with cool people.

Currently - Working part time on a small hardware startup i cofounded with a friend, partnered top creator on Manifold

Last role -Technical project manager for a health/software company

Before that - Technical project manager at an agency that worked with early stage companies

Other/Earlier - released a Steam game, bounced around a few small startups, failed one of my own, ran gaming events for charity, some python and webdev

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Ok have some emails that went out which will determine this

Maybe there’s a way to monetize your secret sauce other than by “accepting a role.” Take my advice, I’m not using it! But when will a better time come to take a flyer?


dont need to accept the role - just accept the interview

sold Ṁ343 NO

@strutheo Did you rephrase the title? I could swear I thought this was about getting the job, when I bought my shares.

@redcat i had it as 'accept the interview' as in i had to like the interview enough to actually do it, but ppl might have confused that for 'accept the role'


Hire him!

@SG if only so he stops making SO many markets on Manifold 😫

@SirSalty im good now 😇

@SirSalty Why? Manifold would be much poorer without @strutheo ‘s markets. Imagine a Manifold where there was no @strutheo markets. Why it would be as dreary as if there were no @SirSaltys! He lives, and as long as randos on the internet find their way home, he lives, a thousand times or more! Yes, @SirSalty! Yes! There are @strutheo markets!

The market for “How many types of drugs will I consume at Manifest?” doesn’t inspire confidence

@Glitzkrieg depends what job i'm going for :)

Does the offer have to come before Manifest ends? I would expect most of these conversations to end something like "sure I'll refer you" with the actual interview offer occurring later

@SaviorofPlant if a conversation at manifest ends in a formal interview offer later ill resolve this, but it has to be pretty directly linked, not a long correspondence after

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