Will Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC expansion be available to the public before Jan 1st 2025?

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The true odds of this market are >98%. But not worth tying up funds for ~3-6mo for a ~15% return.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@pietrokc doesn't the loan system help offset that? it should be worth betting in long term markets because you get back some of that mana to use each day.

predicts YES

@pietrokc agree this should be higher

@strutheo Oh I'm a new user. I didn't know about loaning. Will look into it this week, thanks!

predicts YES

@pietrokc here is a TLDR - basically just click the treasure chest at the top of your page each day, and youll get some of that invested money back (loan is paid off when you sell shares)

its a newish system so subject to change

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