Which of these Manifold suggestions I've talked about will be implemented by EOY 2024?
Jan 2
add confirmation step so creators approve new answers on multichoice
Make yes/no text on polls more readable when covered by the bar color ( at high percentages when it is close to the end )
other sign on beside google
change about page (any of my suggestions)
Separate unified settings page
Show history of user bounty contributions somewhere on bounties , or in comment feed
show question search box when resolving multichoice questions
Hide calibration chart for new users until they hit X resolved markets
add a comment to resolutions so users know what happened
add 250/-250 buttons by default so they don't pop in after loading
Change feedback system to Positive, Negative, (maybe Neutral) choices
consolidate sign out button somewhere less prominent
Move notification settings gear from the category tabs
change the 'whoa there' confirmation pop up to be clearer UI
limit how many mc options new users can add to open markets
ESC key to exit resolve mode on market pages (at least for mc)
Add LIVE feed button to the sidebar on desktop
Extend Hawaiis hitbox/hurtbox on the politic page
slider bar always moves/changes when bet size changes , doesn't max out too early (as visual feedback to user)
make it so colon then enter doesnt create a smiley face in comments

NOTE - Not saying i am the originator of all these ideas, or even that I still support them. Just that I've mentioned them to the team at some point. Also I am not saying the Manifold team is unwilling or unable to implement these changes, the main question is what could happen this year.

Resolves YES when in production. Does not unresolve if the feature or change is undone.

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bought Ṁ100 Answer #a943f48d5b14 YES

Resolves yes, multiple moderators can edit dashboards

bought Ṁ100 Answer #a943f48d5b14 YES

@nikki Wait, was this ever not the case?

@PlasmaBallin it wasn't, at least once the feature was finished. maybe this is about choosing (non-mod) others to share responsibility?

Resolves yes (loans removed)

other sign on beside google
bought Ṁ10 other sign on beside... YES

resolves yes due to apple sign in on ios


supposedly being working on

they added the ability to delete and rename which is effectively accomplishing it, but not technically merging, so i will na

wait whaaat, is this a thing? no way it's a thing. or do you mean answers on MCs?

@Stralor yes mc ill edit

bought Ṁ250 Answer #ff95c69546ed YES

🧐 a bit post-facto, no? and did you even suggest it?

@Stralor it's okay, I'll take that mana! ehehehe

bought Ṁ40 Answer #27ac27c1201b YES

Does the partner creator program count for this?

@JamesF nah i meant a button to send mana to a market creator as a tip, either build into the page, or when you sell, or when a resolution happens

the popup box in question

@strutheo diamond league has a diamond icon now 😄

@strutheo please consider great contribution from relative newcomer @Gideon37 -- when you are composing a question, you see a popup "Here are similar questions." Functionality exists other sites, possibly competitors. Way better than punishing the curious.

@ClubmasterTransparent this does work currently but it just isn't very fleshed out. I see suggestions when I go to make a new one

@ClubmasterTransparent @Gideon37 if you have good ideas post them in the discord ! The more voices the better

@strutheo appeciated. Structural pothole though. I'm in the age and gender cohort of Winona Ryder. It is a big leap for me to even say that in the backwater of these comments. This Discord that is so normal for you? What I know of it is that a smart tough girl went to play in that sandbox and things happened to her that were ugly enough that I am not going in there unless eyes open and everyone else I'm connected to ringfenced out.

ETA wow, overdo by me. What I meant is, on the GexX Woman planet I come from, Discord = Gamergate = Jesus Christ That Shit Again.

@ClubmasterTransparent on reflection there should be a dozen plus more cuss words in between every single fucking word there.

@ClubmasterTransparent i totally agree discord isnt ideal and they should have a more public forum for feedback discussion. i think they started a nolt but have not used it much https://manifold.nolt.io/

@strutheo Thanks for engaging with that outburst. I'm thinking it's a structural issue with markets that's been built in since Amsterdam and the tulips at least. Human traders get emotionally hooked, in a big or small way, enough to keep coming back. It's natural for discussion to spill over to wherever you are already hanging out. The Fraunces Tavern, Discord, the shade of a coolibah tree. Sure, the rest of us can sue and complain and Lysistrata until Augusta National allows Condi Rice to join. I don't have visibility there but I'm guessing she is not shut out of every foursome, I think she's included in some bets.

Everyone knows the market is more robust if more smart people are in it, also everyone likes an inside joke. Who solves that, profits.

has this actually happened? or did they just change how deleted pages work so that this isnt needed

This one was just implemented, the buttons now say "Bet X on YES/NO"


5 changes already this year

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