🏅 Top traders
# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ945 | |
2 | Ṁ907 | |
3 | Ṁ736 | |
4 | Ṁ686 | |
5 | Ṁ633 |
@BlueDragon https://lincolnproject.us/press-release-lincoln-project-calls-out-pharma-lobbyist-jd-vance-as-a-fraud-and-liar/ and https://www.businessinsider.com/jd-vance-dinner-elite-ceos-fueled-political-evolution-2024-7 and https://www.salon.com/2022/08/20/jd-vance-has-a-big-pharma-problem/ , documented as working for Sidney Austin llp, lobbyist for Purdue pharma
Wearing bengals hoodie here: "On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Vance donned a Cincinnati Bengals sweatshirt for the annual Darke County G.O.P. Hog Roast on the county fairgrounds in rural Greenville, where the compact is: Listen to some speeches, then line up for free hamburgers and hot dogs."
Also Vivek cites, attached

Bengals of course didn't make the playoffs 2023-24
Publicly documented contributions from registered lobbyists https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/top-recipients-details?cycle=2022&id=N00048832
His largest investments are in AmplifyBio and Kriya Therapeutics, in the range of $50,000 to $100,000, according to his 2022 financial disclosures. Kriya is developing gene therapies to treat conditions including eye diseases, diabetes, and epilepsy. AmplifyBio specializes in helping drugmakers study, develop, and manufacture new medicines. Vance hasn’t filed his 2023 documentation yet.
His smaller holdings include investments of between $1,000 and $15,000 in a broad range of companies touching pharmaceutical development, provider training, medical devices, and data and software development.
In the pharmaceutical space, Vance’s investments include Chase Therapeutics, which is focused on developing treatments for brain disease including Parkinson’s disease and depression, NeuScience, which aims to treat terminal cancers, and Pop Biotechnologies, which is developing platform technology to treat cancer and infectious disease.
Also stake in Anduril (weapons), others
do people see any evidence of this? he was only briefly at sidley austin before going into VC. having a law degree does not mean he necessarily passed (or even took) the bar. you can easily find that his wife is bar certified in california, but JD isn't listed anywhere.
totally possible he passed the bar and i just haven't found the right state to check, but i haven't found it yet (working briefly at a law firm does not mean you passed the bar)
(on twitter i see randos making fun of him for not having passed the bar, but that doesn't mean anything either)
yeah i bet that up because i could not believe he went to yale and got a job at that law firm without passing the bar, but maybe he failed and that's why he left for tech lol, i sold all
i know he had more than one
lemme find it
(could be long ago)
@Ziddletwix 8 years ago he had two so either has one or none or got more and we have no clue lol