Resolved at 50% - leaving poll open for fun!
@KeenenW yea im noticing its gotten to the point where ppl are starting to manipulate.. going to resolve it 50 % since that seems appropriate
@strutheo Darn. I didn't have a position, but I was going to share on Juggalo subreddit for the lawls
@strutheo oh sorry I thought this was the market at first glance. I'll reopen it as long as we leave the market itself resolved.
I submit, for your consideration, a Juggalo who went to my high school and made some pretty questionable life choices due to his fandom:
Look, all I'm saying is that if my child becomes a juggalo, they'll probably go on a murderous rampage killing their friends and then merge their soul with an agent of destruction who threatens all of reality. But if they become a furry, they'll probably ascend to godhood and use magic space-warping powers to save five planets from oblivion.
This poll is way closer than everyone expected. Perhaps there are more secret juggalos on Manifold than we thought. Is this the first sign of the rise of the Juggalo Party?
@strutheo Baygo must be the SF Bay's version of Faygo, popular among Manifold users who live in the area.