Will at least 25 people try Refind on my advice?
resolved Jun 14
https://refind.com/stkecskes?invite=d557164775 I will resolve this as YES if referred-people-counter (invite link above) exceeds 20 before market close. Some additional informations: - at the time of market creation the counter is 0, - I am not going to share the link anywhere else, - I dont think this is a spam as I find the Refind really useful, - I am going to test the previous claim on related market, so keep watching 😉. May 14, 10:35pm: Sorry for the mistake in the first sentence. It should be "... exceedes 25 before ..." of course.
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predicted NO
For future people: I tried Refind, but have already unsubscribed. The links were low value IMO.
predicted NO
What is the current amount of people?
predicted NO
⏫ 7 people in 4 days...
sold Ṁ12 of NO
@stkecskes How many people have currently used the link.
predicted NO
@SneakySly 8 used, 1 unsubscribed
bought Ṁ1 of YES
insider info
bought Ṁ10 of NO
Signed up but the first day of links was very meh.
bought Ṁ50 of YES
Signed up
Can you provide any information on why I should sign up?
predicted NO
@SneakySly Good question... Refind is essentially a service that responds to two current phenomena in the context of information consumption. The first is the ubiquitous information overload. There is more relevant information than our perception is built for (and we have time to read), so we fall back on heuristics like "read a random article", "read an easily accessible article" instead of the real goal of "read a quality article". The second phenomenon is the information bubble. (Notorious in my opinion, but repetition is the mother of wisdom.) It is formed by the action of heuristics such as picking readily available information combined with natural tendencies to preferentially consume information we agree with. Thus we close ourselves into a progressively narrower and narrower bubble of known information. But these may cease to be relevant (or may never have been). This is where Refind comes in with a solution that, while far from ideal, is still very useful to me. Aware of the mentioned phenomena, based on my chosen areas of interest, it selects several interesting articles for me every day. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (So I apologize for any linguistic imperfections.)
@stkecskes Thanks!
bought Ṁ10 of NO
I did sign up! The sign up process was quite streamlined (taking notes for Manifold lol), tho not _super_ impressed by the links so far. But will give it a while longer!
predicted NO
@Austin 😁 Try some deep dive series e.g. my favourite "Better thinking".