I am applying to: Stanford, Northwestern, Harvard, MIT, Vanderbilt, Yale, JHU, Cornell, Duke, CMU, Rice, Brown, UPenn, NYU, Dartmouth, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz.
I was rejected by Princeton for REA.
My major for all of these schools is General/Pure Math with an occasional second choice of Data science/statistics. I am applying to Northwestern with a music major as well, and am submitting music supplementals to any of the above colleges that accept them. I'm like middle class or something and Asian.
School: GPA: 4.76 (W), 4.00 (UW), 1590 SAT, 1500 PSAT, 5s on all 10 APs I have taken so far.
Math: Attended AMSP/COSMOS/PROMYS in the past three summers. 4x AIME Qualifier w/ AMC 12 DHR. Placed individuals+team at BMT,SMT. Doing unpublished statistics research with a professor at CSULB. Held leadership roles in local math circle.
Music: Attended all-state 4x, ranked 1st/6th/2nd. Was principal of a youth orchestra. Won a few minor awards including ENKOR.
Volunteering: Ran a cleanup nonprofit, was pretty involved. 900+ volunteer hours worth of time invested. Also ran an online math competition with a cumulative 900+ participants and 11.2K in funding.
Update 2024-22-12 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): - Applying Regular Decision to all schools listed
The list of colleges in the description is exhaustive (no additional schools)
Update 2024-26-12 (PST): - Replaced Caltech with UPenn due to missing recommendation letter requirements. (AI summary of creator comment)
Update 2024-26-12 (PST): - Added NYU to the list of colleges applied to. (AI summary of creator comment)
@spiderduckpig The list of colleges above is exhaustive. I am applying regular to all schools listed.
@slamthatmule I had a similar profile to you when I applied 2 years ago, I also had a 1590 and had 5 AIME qualifications (max on AMC 12 was 126), USACO Gold my main extracurriculars were coding personal projects, clubs, also middle class Asian. Based on my results I think you will get into all UCs aside from Berkeley and LA (I was not from CA so it'll be different if you're from CA). For the 12 reaches I think you will get into 1-3 of them. It depends a lot on essay quality though which is pretty intangible.