Both pretty bad, difficult to easily figure out which one has worse total consequences, intuitively leaning towards Hunter's corruption maybe being worse from a virtue ethics standpoint
@TheAllMemeingEye Did you read the question as 'unethical'? Asking since your vote contradicts your comment. Same as Blankspace's so possibly the wording is non-intuitive to a degree that messes up the results.
I had an "Are we the baddies" moment when I realized the coin was real and not his account having been hacked. In conclusion I think this is fine since everybody who doesn't know crypto is a scam by this point deserves to lose their money (it's a market failure that they have any disposable money in the first place, to be honest). It makes Trump invulnerable to low-stakes corruption (like the millions Bidens earned) and it shows that Trump 2.0 doesn't care about 'looks' so hopefully he will push through with his agenda (which I 80% agree with) ruthlessly.
The question is not whether Hunter Biden had an unethical pay to play scheme going on, the question is whether Dad Biden was a willing participant in that scheme. It's not Hunter vs Trump, it's (Dad) Biden vs Trump.
Are you telling me that doing brazen corruption with foreign enterprises as the sitting fraudulent president's son and using the money to buy drugs isn't ethical? What next, are you going to tell me that mass-slaughtering babies in their mothers' wombs is also unethical?? Obviously what Trump is doing is worse because he's like Trump, who is like, a fascist (whatever that means) and it's like crypto, bro.