effective survival skills!
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i'm making an anki deck about effective survival skills, but i know nothing about survival skills. give me your most effective survival tips!

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Top tip: it is extremely easy to get lost or turned around in the woods, especially in inclement weather. If you are lost in the woods, and anyone knows you're out there and will send help, it is usually NOT a good idea to move AT ALL from wherever you realize you are lost unless required to get life-saving food, water, or shelter.

A small knife can be effectively used to split wood by batoning. Combined with making wood shavings this is a key skill for making an emergency fire.

Learn some basic knots and carry small cordage with you. Can make splints, drag your bag if injured, rock climb/rescue (larger rope and equipment).

Proper preparation prevents poor performance.

Do some research on the area your travelling in. I used to work in the outdoors as an adventure sports instructor. You'd be surprised at the amount of people who show up wearing completely inappropriate clothing, like sneakers for snow, snow gear for rainy conditions, insulated jackets on a hot summer day. My fav was a girl who showed up in leopard print thigh high high heels because we said wear boots.

There is almost never a time when having a fire lighting kit is better preparation than wearing appropriate clothing.

Charge your phone and tell someone where your going and your expected time of return..

If you are not able already, learn to swim?