Will any of the GitHub's services have an incident that lasts at least 6 hours before 1st May, 2023?
resolved Apr 25

GitHub's services keep getting into incidents pretty regularly, but an outage that lasts for 6 hours is rare but not unheard of.

Past incidents:


The market resolves YES if any of the incidents after the creation of the market last for more than 6 hours. The incident timeline is the timestamp displayed below the incident item, otherwise resolves NO.

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predicted YES

resolving YES because an incident lasted for 6 hours 4 minutes.


predicted YES

Jaw dropped at how close to 6 hours that incident was. Tons of incidents, but definitely rare for an incident to last that long

bought Ṁ21 of NO

@sacredSatan we're just going back and forth, so I've opened limit orders if you want to fill them

predicted YES

@PatMyron wish I had taken you up on this but didn't have enough mana, and I was just looking to close this market out on 1st May, I'd stopped visiting manifold xD

predicted YES

After the market creation they had one incident that lasted for 4 hours and 42 minutes, and April also has had their first incident. This is just inevitable when it comes to GitHub.


bought Ṁ5 of NO

(Are you asking this because you're interested in how reliable github is? If so, maybe you're interested in a specific service? Anyway I placed my bet)

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@YonatanCale just asked it because it bit me today. They had major outage across services. Added the 6 hour condition to make it more interesting but I have faith that GitHub will always have incidents spread throughout the months. Look at their recent history.

Example of an incident that lasted for 35 minutes, I'll basically consider the time between the "investingating" announcement to the "resolved" announcement. These are the timestams displayed in the list view on the history page as well.
