Will the Boston Celtics make the finals in the 2022-2023 NBA season?
resolved Jun 1

This market will resolve 'YES' if the Boston Celtics win their conference and play in the NBA Finals in the 2022-2023 season. Starting odds are taken from FiveThirtyEight's forecast on the date of this market's creation.

Market created with manifoldr.

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I am using my moderation permissions to resolve this market on behalf of the creator. This is according to the Manifold Markets unresolved markets policy found here: https://manifoldmarkets.notion.site/Unresolved-markets-policy-c97970959b974f5b852fee4392301a19

predicted NO

@jack while I appreciate you liberating my mana, I don't think you are supposed to under the rules

@MarcusAbramovitch Oh, you're right, I checked the author was inactive for 7 days but totally forgot about the "7 days have passed since the criteria were met." part

predicted NO

Please resolve, thanks.

bought Ṁ50,000 of NO

@deagol i just "crushed" it down to 0.0%, feel free to sell out completely

bought Ṁ100 of YES

for anyone looking to profit off of the recent events in this market consider betting in



@TobyBW there's still one more game?

sold Ṁ1,397 of YES

@cloe I am in a place with really bad data. The wifi doesn’t work with manifold. I got some wrong info saying the heat won. Then I rushed to undo that. Then my phone died right then. Everything went wrong. I lost thousands.

sold Ṁ458 of YES

@TobyBW If i win i'll manalink you some of my winnings

I feel like giving up on manifold because of all this. Probably won’t, but we’ll see. I’m going to sleep.

predicted YES

@TobyBW a couple thousand dollars isn't much in the grand scheme of things. i'm sure youll make it back

Lost half my balance to the heat and the celtics. I am a bit calmer now, but still upset.

predicted YES

@TobyBW you're not the only one :)

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@TobyBW too bad the heat are gonna win 🤑

predicted NO

@cece thank you

predicted NO


Will the Boston Celtics make the finals in the 2022-2023 NBA season?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition