Will Bitcoin hit $80K in May 2024?
Jun 1

https://blockchain.info will be considered as oracle.

Price of Bitcoin will be considered in Pacific Timezone.

If the price of Bitcoin remains $80K or above on May 1st, market will resolve to YES

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Using TImeGPT to predict the lows of Bitcoin.

But I'm using a too long time horizon, TimeGPT was not meant to predict so far into the future.

So we'll see what happens. Fun!

Start TimeGPT

0 2024-05-05 62134.726562

1 2024-05-06 61845.890625

2 2024-05-07 61394.363281

3 2024-05-08 60806.644531

4 2024-05-09 60692.882812

5 2024-05-10 61000.937500

6 2024-05-11 61566.921875

7 2024-05-12 62317.542969

8 2024-05-13 62169.433594

9 2024-05-14 61759.265625

10 2024-05-15 61034.312500

11 2024-05-16 60498.675781

12 2024-05-17 61080.593750

13 2024-05-18 62126.910156

14 2024-05-19 62438.753906

15 2024-05-20 62341.039062

16 2024-05-21 62072.515625

17 2024-05-22 61552.636719

18 2024-05-23 61114.882812

19 2024-05-24 61513.472656

20 2024-05-25 62184.503906

21 2024-05-26 62558.867188

22 2024-05-27 62374.839844

23 2024-05-28 61931.265625

24 2024-05-29 61002.808594

25 2024-05-30 60498.515625

26 2024-05-31 61344.378906

27 2024-06-01 62267.269531