Pocketpair recently posted the following roadmap of new features to come. How quickly will they be implemented? See also my other markets for different resolution times
Each feature resolves YES if there is a playable update containing the feature before market close. Resolves NO at market close otherwise.
I don't really know what "Xbox Feature Improvements" really means (I don't have an Xbox. Is there something wrong with the game on Xbox) but I will be very liberal in resolving it to YES.
Xbox features is resolving NO because I don't see a single mention of Xbox in any patch notes and I'm still seeing articles that say Xbox servers suck and generally have problems. https://www.ign.com/articles/palworld-patch-0151-makes-various-fixes-but-the-wait-for-xbox-dedicated-servers-continues
I'm very likely going to resolve Building System Improvements to NO because I see only a single line mentioning building: "Significantly relaxed building restrictions for stairs and triangular roofs"
and.. this is certainly not what they meant by "Building System Improvements". Though I could be missing something so ill leave it unresolved for a day or so before I press NO
-- 2 minutes after I wrote this I'm having second thoughts about this reasoning so maybe I'll resolve this N/A cause imo I should have been more clear. ill sleep on it
can't tell about the Xbox features, but looks like this article has many of the answers we need.
YES to Pal AI and Pathing, and to Building System Improvements. NO to everything else.