There's a product I bought ~3 months ago from one of the local e-retaliers.
I'm kinda happy with it, but also notice the description on the webpage is way overselling the user experience of this device.
I left a review noting this. While doing that, I noticed the following: I had bought the item at a 40% discount. Now it's discounted at 50%. So it feels like the original price isn't correct.
I squeezed this into the review.
Their review policy says that I'm not allowed to mention prices, but what I've done isn't covered explicitly.
They do check reviews manually, according to their webpage.
Will they publish my review? (Publish counts as it is online and visible when not-logged-in as me.)
Question about resolution timing: Are you intending to resolve this as NO if the review isn’t posted as of the current close date (Feb. 26) (or any later specific close date), or are you planning to give them, e.g., a month, while waiting for confirmation of either posting / denial?
And to make sure I’m reading the scenario right (made-up prices and paraphrasing): the retailer is marketing this as “a great $100 gadget”—but you’ve observed that it’s really just “an okay <$60 gadget” because it’s always marked as being on sale? And so your review says, “This gadget is okay. By the way, it’s also always on sale.”
@TannerNewell my review says “it’s currently at 50% discount, I did buy it in <month> when demand is presumably much higher at 40%”
If I don’t hear anything by resolution date I’ll check to see if it’s published, if not I’ll reach out to them. Then I’ll resolve according to where that conversation takes us. A bit vague but hopefully workable–what I care is what they’ll decide, more than how fast.
@ErwinRossen I don't feel comfortable naming it publicly.
If it matters for your bet, maybe I can answer other questions you have?