Will people be tired of the "will this market have $X invested by Y" spam before the ides of March?
resolved Mar 29
Resolves to majority.
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What does "resolves to majority" mean? If the market is at 76% when it closes, do you resolve it to 76% or to 100%?
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"Resolves to majority" is an older type of spam, and we aren't tiered of it yet....
sold Ṁ110 of YES
Haven't changed my opinion but cashing for liquidity+profit
bought Ṁ10 of NO
there’s at least a decent chance of whale sniping or something similar, though i’m definitely tired of it
bought Ṁ4 of YES
Thanks for the trivia @LunaNova
bought Ṁ1 of YES
"what is an ides" in old roman daykeeping they had a mid-month marker known as the "ides" (and a ~quarter-month marker called the "nones" (noh-nz)) there's an old rhyme to remember their dates: """ in March, July, October, May, the ides fall on the fifteenth day. The nones the seventh. All* beside, have two less days for nones and ides """ (*all other months) The ides of March is famous for being the day when the person who fucked up a perfectly good calendar got stabbed to death.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Yes and I am going to continue to make the same exact copy of my whale bait spam request, and continue to spam it on others who do the same thing until the issue gets fixed.
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what is an "ides"
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They illustrate the weaknesses of the system and should be fixed by changing the math.
bought Ṁ10 of YES
bought Ṁ5 of YES
personally I'm tired of it now
bought Ṁ10 of NO
I wish 😔