Will the IETF working group for interoperable messaging adopt Matrix's proposal?
Dec 31

The More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) working group is defining an internet standard - the minimal set of mechanisms required to make modern Internet messaging applications interoperable. In light of the Digital Markets Act landing in 2023, big messaging platforms need to offer an API and become interoperable. The Matrix has proposed their own approach to be the standard.

- Matrix Message Format

- Matrix Message Transport

Close date updated to 2023-12-31 6:59 pm

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📢Extended Market.

@o Can you Please resolve your market(s)?

@traders Any proof of a Yes or No resolution? Extend market? Thanks!

predicts NO

@SirCryptomind I'd vote for extending, the group is still working on drafts

@wasabipesto Thanks, that is enough info to extend it.

@o Do you plan on extending the close date? It doesn't appear that anything has happened yet.

@wasabipesto Thank you. Bumping it to end of 2023 for now. Hopefully and 'end to the workgroup' will become clear by thend

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