Will I be satisfied with how I spend my time on Tuesday, May 10th?
resolved May 11
This resolves YES if I achieve the following between 10:00 AM and 9:00 PM CDT today. 1. Spend at least 180 minutes on things that I strongly endorse (not including exercise). 2. Spend at most 60 minutes on things that I strongly disapprove of. 3. Check in with the # of productive vs. unproductive minutes at least once every 3.5 hours between the period from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, where the first check-in occurs before 11:00 AM. This market will be settled very soon after 9:00 PM CDT. I ran a similar market on Saturday: https://manifold.markets/nmehndir/will-i-be-satisfied-with-how-i-spen Close date updated to 2022-05-10 11:59 pm Close date updated to 2022-05-10 9:00 pm May 10, 10:15am: Check-in 1: highly productive: 12m highly unproductive: 0m May 10, 12:56pm: Check-in 2: highly productive: 84m highly unproductive: 24m
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