Recommend me movies, up to Ṁ100 per movie
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Sorry, rules have changed: you'll get my_rating*20-100, so still up to Ṁ100 per movie, but you get punished for recommending something that results in a bad experience for me. :))
Ṁ5 for reminding me of a movie i've watched but haven't rated.
0 for a movie i don't watch or it's already in my watchlist.
-Ṁ5 for a movie that i have already rated.
I'll add more bounty if needed. These are my imdb ratings, i don't use anything else -

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Beau is Afraid


Dog Day Afternoon (1975)


Pan's labyrinth


John Carpenter's The Thing (1982). In my top 10.


Sorry to Bother You, Boots Riley


Logan lucky

No country for old men

The great escape




Tree of Life

It'll either be the best or the worst movie you've ever seen


Man from earth

A movie about a group sitting in the cabin, when one guy announces that he's immortal.

Just the actors and a dialogue. No special effects. No superheroes. Very emotional ending.



Everything, Everywhere, All at once

Train to Busan

The French Dispatch



In The Loop

Thank you for not smoking

Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Paris, Texas

Being John Malkovich

Trust (dir. Hal Hartley)


Glenngarry Glenn Ross


The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Paths of Glory



Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

When We Were Kings

Porco Rosso


Tried to choose movies from my list that I liked based on the vibe from skimming your IMDB, forgive if there are any repeats you’ve seen


Belville Rendezvous


The Show (2020) written by Alan Moore


chicken run



Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Are you more likely to watch if its on a streaming service you have access to?

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