Will Bitcoin go down to 40K in Jan 2024?
resolved Jan 23

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High 24H:$41,786
Low 24H:$39,701


predicted YES

There was a trade at $39,500 earlier in January at Kraken, so this market would have resolved YES if that exchange were used. The trade wasn't included in their bar charts because their charts exclude outliers, but the API recorded it.

There was another trade at Kraken for $40,100 when their downtime ended a few hours ago.

predicted NO

@SteveSokolowski That is a single exchange. 99% use coinmarketcap, coingecko, or finance.google.com where data is collected from all exchanges for an accurate price.

I don't understand this question. It's already less than $40k. It's January. Therefor in January it has gone down below $40k. Are we betting that it will go up to $40k and also that after that it will come down again?

predicted NO

@AronGabor It’s not already less than 40k.

@benshindel sorry, wrong currency was selected

It's so easy to make mana here.

People need to stop being so hypersensitive. When the price goes down, that doesn't mean the likliehood of it falling below $40,000 is actually increasing. You look at the technical indicators to see that.

And anyone selling this down below 70% right now isn't looking at the "What will happen in January 2024" market, which for some reason tends to go out of sync with the other markets.

According to the charts, this is nearly a done deal.

I expect prices to hit $39,500 tomorrow. If that doesn't happen, then next Friday will still be in January.

@SteveSokolowski you should push the price higher then. Why leave money on the table?

predicted NO

@AmmonLam The short-term indicators reversed just after the bottom at $40,300 was hit, so I sold all my shares then.

Right now, I'm thinking that maybe we get a last push up to $44,500 or so, so that the charts paint a typical four-peak distribution pattern, with the third peak on January 10 (the UTAD) being the highest. The 4h charts are still neutral at best.

Thursdays to Saturdays are more likely to be bloodbaths than other days. If what I suspect is true, and we get that recovery this week, I think the crash down to $34,000 could hold off until February 1 or February 2. Therefore, I'm buying into the February markets now instead. I would buy this market if it had a deadline of February 5.

I wish that there were exchanges I could use to trade bitcoins, because a lot of people panic and react to what the number says, rather than looking at the indicators. However, I refuse to trade with any broker that lacks insurance on customer deposits, which includes every cryptocurrency exchange.

predicted YES

@SteveSokolowski You could trade on bitcoin ETF, no? counter party risk is minimal there

predicted NO

@AmmonLam Those ETFs only trade during market hours. I don't want to be in a position I can't close during the weekends, which is when the crashes are most likely to occur during downtrends, like the one we are currently in.

nVidia stock is better for trading anyway. It is SIPC protected, which is important. It has a shorter spread than the bitcoin ETFs, and can be traded without fees on PFOF exchanges.

It's more volatile than bitcoin right now, it has a brighter future, and you know it will never crash down to low levels. The worst you can do with nVidia is that the price never retraces to the value you sold it at.

I started out in 2013 with cryptocurrencies but don't own a single one now. I went into stock trading and never looked back - the stock market is far superior for making money than bitcoins. Given a choice between the two, I will never support the rampant criminality in that space. 90%+ of the people who deal in cryptocurrencies are the lowest scum of the earth.

@SteveSokolowski if you do think linke that about crypto, why do you link to a mining site on your profile?

predicted YES

@Bohreromir Because I still have things to close out from that chapter of my life.

predicted NO

@SteveSokolowski Lmao “according to the charts”

Go gamble on the stockmarket if youre so good at astrology

Touch 40k or end the month at <40k?

@Jrob touch 40k

You mean go down to 40K?