Will my girlfriend be able to do one pull-up by the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

She’s been trying to do a pull-up for years, but she’s really been trying hard in the last month or so to train.

She’s ~125lbs, 5’6”, for 10 reps she usually bench presses 65lbs, squats 135lbs, deadlifts 95lbs.

She can just barely do one push-up, but her form is dubious.

Last week, she started to be able to do most V2s at our local bouldering gym, including an incline V2.

Resolves to YES if she performs at least one unassisted pull-up in 2023 and NO otherwise.

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predicted NO

NOOOOoooooo - ah, I mean, wow, nice!

@colorednoise Mana well spent. Every story needs a villain.

She did it! (YES)

Her regiment was mostly two days on, one day off. Banded pull-ups, pull-up negatives, inverted rows. Dead hangs, lat pull-downs. She took protein and creatine.

It came down to the wire. At 5:30pm eastern on the 31st, 10 minutes after consuming a clementine and a honey stinger, and saying “lightweight, nothing but a peanut”, she managed one pull-up with two witnesses.

She chose to do it in the evening to maximize strength and took two rest days before the 31st.

Thank you to everyone who voted - activity on YES encouraged her to not let her supporters down and activity on NO drove her to refute the doubters.

predicted NO

@mturnshek inspiring! I have a pull up market and need to get more serious about preparing myself so thanks for the details and congratulations to her!

predicted NO

guess it's a coin flip at this point?

No updates eh?

@ian Don’t want to give anyone an advantage this close. Perhaps I could have updated a week or two after market open.

Additional clarification: I will resolve this on January 1 in either the YES case or the NO case.

So, this market not resolving prior to that is not evidence that a pull-up has not occurred.

Does a chin up or neutral grip count?

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